- Graduate of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest.
- Specialisation in Orthodontics and Dento-Facial Orthopedics at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest.
- Doctor of Medical Sciences.
- Assist. univ. at Carol Davila Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest.

Without health the happiness is imposibleVissarion Belinski
Our team will be with you.
Dr. Clara-Ilinca Bica

Team Stomatology
Dr. Alexandru Scarlat
Medic specialist Protetică Dentară.
Dr. Cosmin Mihail Ghita
Medic specialist în specialitatea Chirurgie Orală și Maxilo-Facială.
Dr Robert Andrei
Medic stomatolog
Dr. Clara-Ilinca Bica
Specialist in Orthodontics and Dento-Facial Orthopedics.
Dr. Ștefania Silcov
Medic specialist Parodontologie.